Friday, December 3, 2010

Life in the Parsonage

I follow this blog called "Life in the Parsonage" - written by a mom and wife of a pastor.  Her post today shared about the craziness of how our culture tries to live up to Christmas, how it seems hypocritical to make the holiday about spending money on gifts, rather than just enjoying the gift that is Jesus.

It's not a judgemental post - just her struggle with the holiday.  I think many of us feel the same things at times.

Check it out - it's good stuff!

On another note...  I heard some more of your "Living a Better Story" experiences last night!  Be sure to send them in, so I can type them up and share them here!  Here's some hints:
*Christmas presents for abused kids
*A Thanksgiving turkey for a woman who realized, at the grocery store, that she couldn't afford it!
*Small gifts for lonely senior citizens
*Lunch money for a child

Keep 'em coming!

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