Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday at SPUMC - Dec. 20th, 2009

Wow! What a fabulously fun Sunday!

Education Hour kicked off with:
* The Children rehearsing for their big Christmas program!
* The Confirmands talking about living with JOY in light of Christ's birth!
* The Advent Conspiracy class talking about how to show love to others in this Christmas season.
* The Wired Word discussed the use of the word "merry" when associated with Christmas.

Worship was a joy to be a part of! Mike and I got to light the Advent wreath. The Children's Christmas program was so fun! These kids are talented and perfect little angels. And shepherds. And wise men. And Mary and Josephs... They're all great! Here's a synopsis I put on my own blog: (We've got a little 'Ninja-shepherd on the bottom left - who was adorable and couldn't stand still! The littlest angel, next to him, was constantly falling off the step and loosing her halo. The two beautiful girls behind her were continuously helping her up and plopping the halo back on her head. Our lovely Mary, who's currently reading, had to keep sharing her baby Jesus with an adorable little shepherd who just wanted to cuddle Jesus so bad! Our older shepherds, in the back, went back and forth between looking bored out of their minds, and proud as can be! Our cute little angels, behind Mary, did their best to stay still despite crooked halos and wings - and static-y gowns! Their fidgeting made me giggle. And our Wise People were stoic and true to their role... especially in those glamorous robes! I love Christmas programs...)

We also got to be part of the celebration of giving Bibles to our new-er kids: Bennett, Casidi, Jack, Maddie, and Denielle. Congratulations, kids!

Pastor Penny took a few minutes to preach about the "Extra-ordinary Christmas Relatives." We enjoyed everyone's Nativity scenes that they brought from home - such beautiful reminders of that night in Bethlehem! We handed out glittery, red stars - a simple symbol of the extraordinary events of Christmas - from a simple beginning in a manger, to a king of peace and hope!

We thank everyone who participated in our Sunday service - kids, parents, teachers, friends - what a wonder-filled day!

Merry Christmas!

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