Thursday, December 17, 2009


"We must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives. This does not mean we will never be busy. Jesus often had much to do, but he never did it in a way that severed the life-giving connection between him and his Father. He never did it in a way that interfered with his ability to give love when love was called for. He observed a regular practice of withdrawing from activity for the sake of solitude and prayer. Jesus was often busy, but never hurried.

"Hurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered heart...

"...It is because it kills love that hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life. Hurry lies behind much of the anger and frustration of modern life. Hurry prevents us from receiving love from the Father or giving it to His children. That's why Jesus never hurried. If we are to follow Jesus, we must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives - because, by definition, we can't move faster than the one we are following."
--John Ortberg, "The Life You've Always Wanted"

Remember to check out our give-a-way! You have til noon tomorrow to enter!

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