Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday at SPUMC - Nov. 8, 2009

What a fun Sunday at St. Paul's UMC!

The kids were talking about remembering to be obedient to God, because that helps us to live together. And when we're tempted to disobey, we should ask God for help. (A lesson we could all try to remember...)

The Confirmation class talked about our ability to do great things when we ask God for help!

And while I don't know off-hand what the adult classes were discussing today - I'm sure it was thought-provoking and uplifting!

Worship was lively! We had a fun children's chat with Cathy - she gave each of the children $1 to use in a generous way this week! I can't wait to hear what they did with it! Sandy played the harp and sang, "You Lift Me Up" - absolutely beautiful! And Dolores shared a little of her life story and why generous giving is part of her life.

We laughed, we cried, we were grateful to be together!

(Watch tomorrow for a summary of Pastor Penny's sermon!)

Oh! And we shared another fabulous pancake brunch!

I'm thankful today for this church family - so many wonderful gifts, talents, and stories to share!

What are you thankful for today?

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