Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday at SPUMC - May 16th, 2010

Mission Sunday!!!

The Education Hour got things started with:
* The Children talking about being God's servant - and that when we seek to help others, God is always with us.
* The Adult joining Terry and Mary Lou to learn more about Israel!

Worship was focused on how God's guidance helps us when we seek to help others (maybe we took some notes from the Children's class?).  Jill gave a great children's sermon using "geo-caching" as an example of using guidance to find treasure - just like we use the Bible to find God.  Nice one.  Then, we had three people speak during the sermon time about various service and mission projects that they are passionate about, and how they felt God leads them and their teams to help.  Carol spoke for the United Methodist Women, Mark updated us on what the Men's Group has been up to at Lewis House, and Corrine spoke about her many trips to the Gulf Coast with the River Bend Mission Team.

And to finish off the day, the Rosebud Mission Trip Team hosted a spaghetti lunch to raise money for this summer's mission trip.  It was a small turn-out - but the food was delicious, the company was great, and we raised $450!  Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who supported the team!

There are so many wonderful ways to serve God and God's children!  Where are you feeling led to serve?

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