Thursday, January 21, 2010


"All of us have goals, even if they are short-term ones like making it to the end of the workday so you can go home and watch TV.  Jesus invites us to make our goals the same as God's goals; becoming people who are finished, complete, healthy.  Corporate worship, which is part of keeping the Sabbath holy, is only part of the picture.  It also includes living 24-7 in a complete, healthy, finished way, a way that reflects how Jesus lived his life here on earth.

"This is why worship is considered a spiritual discipline.  We must worship in such a way that we let God transform us into people who are complete, healthy, and finished.  This transformation process will not be completed in this life, and yet this life is also not God's waiting room for heaven.  This life is meant to make us the people that God wants us to be now.  We need to hear what that means on a regular basis."
--Valerie Hess, "Spiritual Disciplines Devotional"

What is one thing you can be doing this week to work towards being "complete, healthy, and finished"?  How can we continue striving for the quality of life that God wants for us? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to exercise more and eat healthier so I can take care of the body God gave me. Physical and mental health will help my spiritual self be healthier, too.
