Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday at SPUMC - April 18th, 2010

A Celebration of Creativity!  Many people brought in items that represent their special gifts and talents to be displayed in the sanctuary - what a Joy to see what people are able to do!  From quilts, blankets, sweaters, jewelry, photography, books, refinished furniture, historical research, geneology, baking, etc - so MANY ways our congregation is represented through creativity!

Our Education Hour began with the
* Children talking about the Great Commission to share the love of God with others.
* Confirmands and Adults listening to Jean K. share about her life and faith journey.  What a fascinating and lovely person!  (Next week is John G.!)

Worship was fun and lively!  The choir even came in their tropical party clothes to do a fun African song!  Jennifer sang, there was clapping and swaying - very fun!  We celebrated the gift of creativity - and all the ways we are called to share these gifts with the world, in order to share the gift of God's love with others.  AND we celebrated the baptism of Jacob and Glenn, and the new membership vows of Glenn and Molly G., and Steven and Dana N.!  Lots of good things to celebrate today!

After worship there was a lovely sloppy joe lunch with cake for the new members - lots of people stayed for the party!  And the 3-8th graders went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Science Museum - a wonderful exhibit!  Thanks, Jill, for organizing a fun afternoon!

Next week - Celebrating YOU!

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